Thursday, September 15, 2011


What is ethics? The word ethics has different meanings for different people. No matter how good or bad a person is, one always observes certain standards of ethics or morality. It always plays an important role in all the decisions we take, yet there is no universally accepted set of ethics. What is right for one person might be completely unjustifiable for others. 

People also often confuse ethics with law; however, there is a difference. Law is something formulated by the governing bodies of a territory one lives in, whether you like it or not, you have to follow it. Ethics or morals are developed by the individuals themselves, based on their perceptions and experiences. Certain acts may be perfectly legal, but its morality might be questionable and vice versa.

I think there should certain widely accepted criterion to evaluate the net social impacts of acts, so that people can not get away with all the evil by justifying their acts on the grounds that they are legal.

Vandal:  one who willfully or ignorantly destroys, damages, or defaces property belonging to another or to the public 

Treacherous: likely to betray trust

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